GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a topic that’s been worrying a lot of small businesses over the past few months. It comes into force on 25th May this year (yes, next month) and affects anyone “who has day to day responsibility for data protection”.

You can find the Information Commissioner’s Office (ico)’s advice here.

One of the people who have reassured and informed me the most on how to prepare for GDPR is small business legal expert Suzanne Dibble. In her own words, “it’s not quite as scary as the headlines make out”.

If you haven’t prepared yet or you’ve started but would like to check that you’ve got everything correct, then Suzanne runs a GDPR group on Facebook.

For more articles on GDPR, have a look at the following links:

Suzanne Dibble:  Don’t be afraid of the GDPR wolf – what is GDPR?

The Telegraph: How SMEs can prepare for GDPR

Business Matters: Simple ways to make your website ready for GDPR and The GDPR & its impact on businesses in the UK

Talented Ladies Club: How can you protect your mailing list from GDPR?