You’ve written a blog post. You’ve used the best keywords and phrases for your purposes, it speaks to your audience, and it ends with a brilliant call to action (CTA). Now what?

Here are six ways to repurpose your blog posts into something fresh that will start the conversation with your audience all over again.

Blog post to social media post

This is the obvious way to repurpose your blog posts: shout about them on social media. But it doesn’t have to end with a ‘read my blog post – here’s the link’ post. You can also:

  • create social media posts around snippets or key points from your blog post
  • turn a list blog post into a carousel social media post, with a graphic for each point
  • post your list as a series of linked social media posts with a little extra information and a CTA

Blog post to infographic

Turn a data-heavy blog post into an appealing infographic that you can share on social media, as a downloadable on your website, or in your email newsletter.

First, find the most important takeaways or data points. These might be statistics, a series of steps, or ideas that you want to highlight.

Second, visualise your data using charts, graphs, icons, or illustrations. Tools like Canva or Piktochart can be useful. Choose a colour scheme that matches your brand. Don’t forget that infographics should be concise, easy to understand, and shareable.

Blog post to podcast

If you have a podcast, or you want to start one, your blog posts can provide a ready topic and material.

Select blog posts that will work well in an audio format and that have already proved positive with your audience. A direct reading of the blog post probably won’t engage your listeners. Instead, plan an episode structure. Summarize key points, add anecdotes, and think of what else you could include to make it more appealing, for instance, a link to current events.

Blog post to email newsletter content

Thinking up content for your email newsletter can be a challenge, especially if you send out a weekly email. However, pointing your audience to a blog post is an ideal way to keep readers interested and draw them to your website too.

Alternatively, you can extract valuable insights from your blog posts and share them with your email subscribers, finishing with a CTA to read the full blog post.

You could even tease what the new blog post will be in the next email newsletter.

Blog post to live Q&A

If a blog post has proved particularly popular with your audience or you want to explain it more to your audience, why not host a live Q&A session about the topic? It doesn’t have to be the entire blog post. The Q&A can be focussed on just one element.

Choose a social media platform that’s popular with your audience, like Facebook or Instagram, and don’t forget to promote the Q&A. Ask for questions upfront. Record the session so it can be viewed by people who didn’t attend.

Blog post to short video

People love watching short videos, whether on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. Take advantage of this trend by turning your blog posts into video shorts.

You can summarise the entire blog post in your short video, or break the blog post up into a series of linked shorts. Don’t forget to script it.

Share your videos where your audience will see them. You could even include them in your email newsletter.


Blog posts are a brilliant way to speak to your audience and drive traffic to your website. But they don’t have to be an end point. Instead, repurpose those blog posts into a whole host of content that will continue to inspire, entertain, and inform your audience.

And if you need help writing those blog posts, get in touch. Drop me an email.