Today, I have what I call a ‘client quiet day’. I have a little client work, but not enough to fill a working day. Is that worrying? Am I distraught? No and no. I’ll tell …
Fi Phillips
My 5 fears of going freelance (and how I handled them)
When I decided to work as a freelance copy and content writer, it felt like the proverbial penny had slipped into the perfect slot. I had the skills, I had the experience and I knew …
How to ease back into work after the summer break
Today marks the end of the second week of my teens being back at high school. Although I loved having them around over the summer holidays, their noisy *cough* enthusiastic presence over the break did …
Even a freelancer needs a break – the importance of taking a holiday
First things first, I’m going on holiday! *watch Fi do her little happy dance* My holiday wardrobe has been updated. I’ve dragged my teens round the shops until they gave in and agreed to buy …
Stock Photos: Where I find mine
When I started my online existence, many years ago, the only photographs I used were my own, haphazardly taken on my mobile phone or the occasional holiday shot. I’m sure I’m not alone in that. …
I’m a business, just like you
These days the internet is full of experts and yes, I have to admit that if I want to find out how to do something (find a recipe, train a dog, lose weight) then more …
How to be authentic in business (and why I was terrible at selling make-up)
Authenticity in business is a phrase I hear a lot these days. Whether it’s being used as a response to hard-sales and cold-calling or a method to build trust with your customers, it sounds wonderful …
Why I price by the job (not the hour)
I’m going to start off by saying that every copy and content writer is different. Some may charge by hour, by day or, like me, by job. I can only tell you what I do …
How and why I chose my logo
Using a logo offers a certain professionalism to any business website or materials. It channels a business’ personality, builds familiarity and trust, and hopefully makes you stand out from others in your industry. People remember …
Who is Fi Phillips?
Yes, who exactly is this woman and why does she think she can help you? This is she, or should I say ‘me’. This is probably the only image you’ll find of me on here …