Yes, who exactly is this woman and why does she think she can help you?

photo of Fi Phillips copywriter

This is she, or should I say ‘me’.

This is probably the only image you’ll find of me on here because, like I said on my ‘about‘ page, this website isn’t about me. It’s about how I can make a difference to you and your business.

Still, I really should introduce myself before we get to know each other.

Fi Facts

  • I was brought up in York – the walled Roman city with the Minster (rather than a cathedral),  the chocolate factory, and the wonky medieval houses on oddly named streets such as Whip-ma-whop-ma-gate and The Shambles.
  • When I was 7 years old, I stood at the top of our street and thought to myself, “This is as mature as I’m ever going to be”. Not much has changed.
  • I’m a literature graduate. Not much to say about that. I like words.
  • I’ve lived in 17 houses or flats so far. The next one will be our forever home – fingers crossed.
  • I’m based in North Wales, just over the border from Chester – the walled Roman city with the cathedral (not a minster), the 13th century Rows (covered walkways of shops) and Eastgate Clock.

I’m a wife, a mum, and a dog-owner (although on occasion I do wonder if the dog owns me). I’m also a novelist  and an avid wordy.

So there you go. That’s me – Fi. Nice to meet you.