Okay, there are several scary things about setting up and maintaining a business blog. From putting your brand out there for all to see to sourcing new ideas, let’s look at why even the idea of running a business blog can send shivers down the spine of the most confident business owner. Even better, let’s talk about how to vanquish those scares too.
Scare 1: Finding the time
Running a blog for your business takes time. There’s the writing, finding ideas, and posting on social media, to name but a few time-devouring tasks. When you’re already busy, you might wonder how you can possibly fit anything more into your working week. It’s enough to send anyone running to the hills.
How to vanquish this scare: Schedule a regular slot to write blog posts for the following week, fortnight, or even month. Guard that slot as you would any other appointment.
Scare 2: Making it look professional
You want your blog to impress your audience in all the best ways possible and express your professionalism, but you’re not sure where to start. You’re scared your blog will look less polished perfection and more Frankenstein’s monster.
How to vanquish this scare: Start with a vision of how you want your blog to look, what you want it to do, and who you want it to attract. Use your brand’s colours, fonts, and logo to create a consistent look. There are plenty of affordable templates on platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace that can give your blog a professional look without breaking the bank.
Scare 3: How to ward off trolls
Maybe you’re scared of blogging because you think online trolls might pounce on your efforts at self-expression. Worse still, you worry that your audience might buy into what those trolls are saying or even jump on board.
How to vanquish this scare: Use comment moderation tools to review comments on your blog posts to keep your site free of trollish behaviour. Ignore and block trolls on social media and don’t get drawn into arguments. Trolls thrive on negativity, so don’t give them what they want.
Scare 4: Expressing your brand
Your website is set up with your logo, your brand colours and fonts, and a carefully considered tone of voice. Brilliant. Now, how do you reflect all of that in your blog posts? Are you scared that your blog will be a pale ghost in comparison to the rest of your website and social media?
How to vanquish this scare: Develop a brand voice that reflects the personality of your business and use it in every blog post. Blog about topics that speak directly to your audience, whether that’s answering their questions or inspiring them. Make sure that your blog posts show what your brand stands for, for instance, sustainability or the importance of community.
Scare 5: Coming up with fresh ideas
Do you feel like a mindless zombie when it comes to finding new ideas for your blog posts? This is one of the deadliest pitfalls when it comes to blogging on a regular basis: thinking up fresh content that speaks to your ideal audience. It can scare you off the idea of even starting a blog.
How to vanquish this scare: Brainstorming is a brilliant way to come up with new ideas, as is listening to your audience. What do they want to know? Where do they need help and inspiration? For more on this, read 6 ways to keep your business blog fresh and engaging.

Running a business blog doesn’t have to be a horror show. With the right plan and approach, you can conquer those scares and turn your blog into a powerful tool for your business.
And of course, if you need help with your business blog, get in touch. Email me at fiona@fiphillipscopywriter.com