It’s a scenario that many freelancers and small business owners dream about: having enough, maybe more than enough, work on your hands. You can’t or maybe don’t want to take on any more clients or workload. Your working hours are full to the brim. Wonderful stuff!

It’s at this point, when you’re busy and feel like you’ve finally arrived at a great place in your freelance career, that you might think there’s no reason to keep putting out those blog posts. You don’t need to attract new clients. Your current clients recognise your worth and expertise. What possible purpose could blogging provide when you don’t need more work?

As a freelancer and small business owner myself, I totally understand that attitude. We’re so busy with our client workload and business admin, why write blog posts if we don’t have to? Well, I can answer that with five valuable reasons to keep on blogging.

Show that you’re relevant in your industry

You may not be actively looking for new clients, but it’s still important to show that you’re relevant, open to learning, and up to date with industry trends. Blogging is a brilliant way to do this. Use your blog posts to:

  • highlight the latest trends, tools, and techniques in your industry. This shows that you’re not just resting on your laurels. You’re continuing to learn and adapt.
  • discuss your take on recent developments in the news and in your sector. This shows that you’re taking part in and even starting conversations about your industry.
  • share case studies and success stories from your recent projects. This shows how you’ve supported your clients and may help your existing customers and audience to solve problems in their businesses too.

By continuing to blog about your industry, you’ll build and support your reputation.

Strengthen client relationships

You may not want new customers, but what about your existing clients? Continuing to write blog posts can help maintain your connection with them. Use your blog posts to:

  • provide value by sharing tips, insights, and resources that are useful to your clients. This shows that you care about their success beyond the work you do for them.
  • answer frequently asked questions or common challenges that your clients face. This can save them time and strengthen your role as a helpful person to have around.
  • talk about client success stories. This celebrates their achievements and shows how your work has played a part in their success.

Blogging with your clients in mind in any of the above ways will build their trust in your know-how and worth, while maintaining a strong business relationship.

Keep growing and learning

Blogging isn’t just about sharing knowledge. It’s also a great tool for personal and professional development. Here’s how continuing to blog can help you grow:

  • It improves your writing and communication skills.
  • It encourages you to research and explore new topics, broadening your knowledge and expertise.
  • It helps you to reflect on your work and experiences, so that you can learn from them.
  • Regularly blogging builds a habit that in turn can keep you motivated to create content that serves your audience and your business.
  • Interacting with your customers and readers through the topics you blog about and your response to their comments can provide you with valuable feedback.

By making blogging a regular part of your routine, you can be sure that you’re always learning, growing, and improving.

Build your brand

Blogging is a brilliant way to build and maintain your brand. Even when you have enough work, it’s important to keep your brand visible and strong. Here’s how blogging can help:

  • Posting regular blog posts creates a consistent online presence, keeps your brand visible, and acts as a reminder for your audience and customers that you’re still around and proving useful.
  • You can showcase your personality through your blog posts. This makes your brand more memorable and relatable.
  • Share content that reflects your brand’s values and mission to attract like-minded souls and build a deeper connection with your readers.
  • Show what makes you unique and sets you apart from your competitors. Blogging helps you to express your individual approach and perspective.
  • Build trust and credibility with your audience by continually providing valuable content that reinforces your brand’s reputation.

By continuing to blog, your brand will stay relevant and visible, even when you’re not actively seeking new clients.

Repurpose your blog posts

Blog posts aren’t simply an end product. They can be repurposed in so many ways, providing content for your social media posts, newsletters, downloadables, ebooks, and webinars.

Here are some more examples:

  • Transform your blog post’s data and insights into an infographic for readers who prefer visual content.
  • Create short videos summarizing your blog posts. You can share these on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok.
  • Record a podcast episode discussing the main points of your blog post. This is a good way to reach people who prefer listening over reading or watching a video.

The main advantage to repurposing your blog posts is that you don’t have to continually think up new content ideas. The base material, your blog post, is already created and ready to be adapted.


Having enough work on your books is a wonderful achievement. But once you’ve celebrated reaching that stage, there are still plenty of reasons to keep on blogging. From proving your expertise and usefulness, to strengthening your connection with your existing customers, a consistent blogging habit will guard your business’s reputation and maintain its visibility.

And if you need help writing your blog posts, I’m always here. Get in touch to discuss your blogging needs.