I write blog posts for businesses. There’s more to it but that’s me and my copywriting business in a nutshell.

If you hire me to write your business blog posts, here’s what you won’t have to give up (in fact, you might gain a few of these):

  • a tone of voice that reflects you and your business
  • a chance to answer customer questions
  • writing blog posts yourself (in addition to the posts I write – the more the merrier!)
  • control over your business blog

However, if you decide to work with me, there are a number of things that you will have to give up to reap the greatest rewards from your business blog.

Messing about with a blog

OK, maybe the term ‘messing about’ is a bit harsh but what I mean is:

  • starting a business blog because you think you should, but then only posting once every other month, or less
  • starting a blog but – after one or two posts – deciding that it isn’t the thing for you and your business, so you give up on the idea and leave it to rot
  • posting with no idea of whom your target audience is or posting for an audience that has no interest in the products or services you offer

Why will working with me mean giving up the ‘messing about with a blog’ attitude? Two reasons. The first is that if you’re willing to pay me to write your blog posts, then you’ve probably got to a point where you realise that your business blog is worth the investment because of the benefits it can bring to your business. The second reason is that I don’t enter a business relationship half-heartedly. If you ask me to write for your blog, I will do that with a focus on consistency, longevity, and success. I’ll expect you to take your business blog just as seriously as I do.

Posting by the seat of your business pants

You know what I mean. You want to plan your blog posts and sound the consistency gong every month but:

  • you run out of regular inspiration
  • you try but you’re just not a ‘plan’ type of person
  • life gets in the way and then you find it difficult to get back into the planning saddle

If you decide to work with me, I will expect a level of planning. Don’t worry though because I’m happy to build that plan with you. To be honest, a client with a realistic plan is a blessing. It means I know exactly what you expect from me and when, and you don’t have to suddenly cast around for topics to blog about. In fact, I’ll probably inundate you with topics and inspiration. Between us, we can create not only a plan but more than sufficient ideas and subjects to populate your blog throughout the year and beyond.

Trying to speak to everyone

One of the first questions I’ll ask you as a new client is, ‘who is your audience?’. If you don’t know, we can delve into who your customers are now and who else you’d like to attract with your blog posts and social media content. Why do I want to know this? Let me answer that question with another question. How can I write your business blog posts if I don’t know who they are supposed to amuse, entertain, inform, and attract? For instance, a blog post about the four day week could be written for a business audience or for employees. Both blog posts would cover the same topic but the approach to that topic – benefits, rights, statistics, tone of voice – would be different.

The most successful blogs speak to a specific and intended audience instead of simply anyone. You can give up on speaking to everyone and instead focus in on those individuals who are genuinely interested in your business, such as your current customers and potential clients too.


I write blog posts for businesses. I save you the time and effort involved in thinking up topics to write about, diving down research rabbit holes, and writing the blog posts yourself. In return, I’ll ask that you take your business blog as seriously as I do, be willing to plan ahead with my help, and decide who you want your blog posts to speak to.

Oh, and pay me too – that’s always appreciated.

If you think we can work together, get in touch. Let’s talk.

And if you’re still wondering how a blog could benefit your business, I wrote about that twice.