As a work from home freelancer – just me working on my own – it can get a tad lonely. Don’t get me wrong. I’m incredibly lucky to have a remote worker husband and a pooch who is keen to remind me of her existence on a regular toy-on-my-foot basis. But that isn’t the same as conversing with other freelancers who understand the ins, outs, and shake-it-all-abouts of a career in content creation.

When I started out as a copywriter, I had no real community to call on. I now thankfully have an online (and on the phone/Zoom, when needed) freelance support network who I can go to when I have business questions or content queries. More than that, they’re an amusing, inspirational lot too, my stars. Let me introduce you.

Content Club UK

I’m not sure how I came across Content Club UK, but I’m eternally grateful that I did. #ContentClubUK is a Tuesday Twitter chat that starts at 11am each week. Established and run by Fi Shailes of Digital Drum, the chat provides an excellent opportunity to meet up with other content creators (not just copywriters), swap news and advice, and generally have a good old chinwag.

Each session features at least three questions relevant to content creation or running a business. Beyond answering the questions, there’s always a lot of chat between the Content Club UK-ers too. The host swaps from week to week, including Content Club UK regulars and industry experts too.

To find that chat on Twitter, search using the tag #ContentClubUK on a Tuesday at 11 and click on the ‘Latest’ tab.

Content Club UK also has a Facebook page.

Freelance Heroes Community Facebook Group

Freelance Heroes Community is a Facebook group created specifically for UK freelancers. Run by digital marketing/social media trainer Ed Goodman, the true appeal to me is the wide range of freelancers who take part.

This is the place to ask for advice and recommendations, share experiences (even the occasional rant), and reach out to the freelance community.

The feed is busy and well-populated, and members are happy to respond. The level of interaction from Ed and members alike is high, helpful, and inclusive.

The group is the community aspect of the Freelance Heroes portal which features:

  • advice and resources for UK freelancers
  • a chance to list your freelance business on the Freelance Heroes directory
  • a yearly event – Freelance Heroes Day

Freelance Heroes also runs a weekly Twitter chat. Find it by using the hashtag #FHChat.

The Freelance Lifestylers Facebook Group

Connected to Emma Ward’s Freelance Lifestyle, this Facebook group is a community for “freelancers and freelancers-to-be who want to chat with other self-employed types”, to quote Emma herself.

The majority of members are female but that shouldn’t put men off joining. The group has a relaxed approach, is responsive, inspirational, and friendly.

Emma also has a podcast, The Freelancer’s Teabreak.

From spam to wham! Email marketing community

The third of my Facebook group recommendations, From spam to wham! is run by email-marketing expert Kelly Cookson of Cheer Up Marketing. Again, it’s a friendly, interactive community where you can ask all of your email marketing questions. Kelly includes a lot of live and recorded videos, provides a regular chance to share your subscription links, and is fearless in her enthusiasm about email marketing.

She often shares her own story and experiences and runs an email marketing course called Electric Email. Kelly is a copywriter, so she has a wide understanding of the whole content creation journey.

It’s no surprise that her weekly emails are brilliant – informative, inspirational, and full of Kelly chat.

Freelancer Magazine

Freelancer Magazine began as a kickstarter by Content Club UK-er Sophie Cross. Becoming a supporter was a no-brainer for me because there were no other UK magazines around for freelancers.

Freelancer Magazine comes out on a quarterly basis and although it’s aimed at creative and B2B freelancers, most self-employed sole traders can learn, be inspired, and amused by this marvelous publication.